If you are looking to reduce your body fat and keep your body fit, then the best fitness program for you is Body Envy Boot Camp.
Boot camp workouts are designed to be rigorous and intense. This style of exercise uses combinations of strength training with weights, cardio, and body weight movements with little rest in between sets. Exercising this way makes sure your body uses every single muscle, hence getting the toned and fit look that every woman wants.
Why the name, Boot Camp?
The exercises are similar to that in the military as it’s the same style designed to whip ones body into shape in the fastest amount of time possible. The workouts are also ‘effective & powerful’ enough to help even obese people reduce their weight and get back into shape. Boot Camp is for everyone, no matter what shape or size they may be.
What could I expect at a typical BEBC session?
At Body Envy Boot Camp the workouts include exercises such as:
- lifting weights
- sprints
- body weight exercises: push-ups, squats, & burpees
- cardio drills
- sit-ups
- planks
- etc.
Boot Camp exercises are intense for a purpose - to make changes physically to your body’s health and appearance. Other workouts don’t compare. This style of working out burns massive amounts of calories since you use your major muscle groups simultaneously.
Anyone can benefit from boot camp. They are short but effective workouts, designed to blast away fat. If you want to firm, trim, and tone your body, then Body Envy Boot Camp is the right choice for you!